
Fuzzing is an effective technique for discovering software vulnerabilities by generating random test inputs and executing them against the target program. However, fuzzing large and complex programs remains challenging due to difficulties in uncovering deeply hidden vulnerabilities. This paper addresses the limitations of existing coverage-guided fuzzers, focusing on the scheduler and mutator components. Existing schedulers suffer from information sparsity and the inability to handle fine-grained feedback metrics. The mutators are agnostic of target program branches, leading to wasted computation and slower coverage exploration. To overcome these issues, we propose an end-to-end online stochastic control formulation for coverage-guided fuzzing. Our approach incorporates a novel scheduler and custom mutator that can adapt to branch logic, maximizing aggregate edge coverage achieved over multiple stages. The scheduler utilizes fine-grained branch distance measures to identify frontier branches, where new coverage is likely to be achieved. The mutator leverages branch distance information to perform efficient and targeted seed mutations, leading to robust progress with minimal overhead.

Prashast Srivastava
Postdoctoral Research Scientist

My research interests are broadly in the domain of computer security and more specifically software testing.